Your service, our repair. Quick, simple, done.
As an independent outsourcing partner for the international IT industry, we carry out all PC services – from rollouts and on-site installations to qualified troubleshooting services for users and in-house board-level repairs at our own repair center.

Repair instead of discard
EU right to repair
in effect since July 1, 2024!
Important Information on the Right to Repair:
When an electronic device breaks, it is often easier and cheaper to replace it rather than repair it. To counter this, combat excessive consumption, and achieve the goals of the “European Green Deal” (EU climate neutrality by 2050), the European Union aims to systematically promote the repair of products.
To support this, the European Parliament passed a directive proposal for a Right to Repair, which came into effect on July 1, 2024.
What does this mean for your company?
Uniserv repairs your EIZO monitor - Exclusive EIZO repair service
Workshop repairs and management of the on-site exchange service
We use our latest high-quality measuring devices, generators, and color analyzers for calibration after the repair to meet EIZO’s very high quality standards in color accuracy and homogeneity, even for LED monitors with extreme brightness and contrast.
Our exchange service hotline provides assistance with malfunctions/installations and manages the logistical processes for a quick on-site exchange across Germany and many other European countries.
Insights into our service center
Tour of the Repair Center and Exchange Device Warehouse
Our outsourcing services for your company
Services for your company
Conserving your own resources
For example, for warranty repairs, storage, transportation, 1st and 2nd level hotline support.
Relief for your own staff
Especially during fluctuating workloads (e.g., new deliveries, series defects, employee turnover)
Manageable cost development
Through individually standardized billing models based on the requirements of manufacturers, importers, and system houses.
Outsourcing of projects, products, spare parts, exchange devices, etc., including logistical management.
Warranty repairs
Electronics repairs for manufacturers and importers at the chip level according to specifications in our repair center, which has been in operation for 25 years near Hamburg.
Dust-free area for electronics repairs of specialized, sensitive products in our own repair center.
Risk reduction during planned and unplanned product changes.
Hotline service, rollouts, and on-site service, product conversions, and upgrades.
We handle returns and disposal for you.